In order to populate Command Center, you’ll need to work with your chosen custodians to send your data to Nitrogen (often called an ROI, or “Release of Information”). Each custodian should be able to provide a “master” rep code that all individual rep codes roll up under.
Exception: Fidelity has a self-service portal called "Information Exchange" where you will enter the GNumbers for them to determine the accounts to release to Nitrogen.
This “master” rep code is what your firm should submit to the custodian on the ROI for three reasons:
- Having your master rep code should make the ROI process easier due to the fact that there will only be one rep code on each ROI, rather than needing to attach a list of all individual rep codes.
- Command Center will receive and display the individual rep codes because they are related to the master rep code.
- Any time a new rep code is added, you will not need to reach out to Nitrogen or fill out a new ROI because that new rep code will be created under the master and will be sent over in the data feed.
Note: It is important to include advisor rep codes with the master rep code, so that you will be able to filter data by the correct advisor. Learn more about linking your firmwide data to your advisors in Nitrogen.
If your firm does not have a master rep code, you can contact your custodian and request that they create this master rep code.
Each custodian may have their own terminology but should support the concept of a firm-wide rep code.
Firm-wide Rep Code Examples:
- Fidelity IWS - “Master GNumber”
- NFS - “C Name” or “Client Header”
- Schwab - “Master Account Number”
Note: If you are a smaller firm using Fidelity NFS, the most efficient process is to use advisor rep codes in your ROI as the “C Name” header.
If your firm does not have a master rep code, you can still use Command Center. Each time a new rep code is generated, you’ll need to add it to your ROI.
After you’ve filled out the ROI for each custodian, please send a copy to your Relationship Manager so that Nitrogen can configure the data feed.