AdvisorEngine CRM can import new Nitrogen records and export new records to Nitrogen. Firms can also view Nitrogen Risk Numbers for both clients and portfolios within an AdvisorEngine CRM record, and SSO from the linked record to the corresponding Nitrogen record.
FYI: The AdvisorEngine CRM integration can only be connected to an Advisor account. Assistants will not able to view the integration (Risk Numbers) within AdvisorEngine CRM.
Setting up the Integration
- User set up: From AdvisorEngine CRM, click on View Profile > User Preferences.
- Click on User Preferences -> Enable Nitrogen Integration.
Importing and matching contacts from Nitrogen
- Click on Import > Import and Match Nitrogen Clients
- AdvisorEngine CRM will automatically match all records that can be matched based on name and email address. You will be shown a list of both automatically matched records as well as records that were not automatically matched. When reviewing the automatically matched records, you are able to delete any record that you do not wish to import by clicking the X under Commands.
- For records that were not automatically matched, you are able to search for the matching AdvisorEngine CRM record using the search icon under Commands. You are also able to import a Nitrogen contact as a new AdvisorEngine CRM record by clicking the "+" under Commands. Once you have selected all of the records that you would like to import, click Import & Match. This process will take a few minutes, the system will notify you once the import is complete.
Imported records will have the Client and Portfolio Risk Numbers displayed with the client record in AdvisorEngine CRM. These scores will automatically update to reflect the score shown in Nitrogen. Clicking the Risk Number in the AdvisorEngine CRM record will allow you to SSO into the corresponding client profile in Nitrogen.
Exporting AdvisorEngine CRM records to create Nitrogen client profiles
In the AdvisorEngine CRM Records Workspace, you can create a list of records that you would like to export to Nitrogen.
- First, check the box on each record you would like to export. Then click Tools > Send to Nitrogen.
- You are also able to send an individual record to Nitrogen from the AdvisorEngine CRM Detail screen. You can do so by clicking Tools > Integrations > Send to Nitrogen.
- If the AdvisorEngine CRM record is not already linked to a record in Nitrogen, you will be given the option to match this record to an existing Nitrogen client or create it as a new Nitrogen client. If you would like to match the record to an existing Nitrogen client, you can select one of the available records in the dropdown and click Link Client. If you would like to create a new Nitrogen client, you can do so by clicking Create this Client in Nitrogen.
Unlinking Records
To unlink a record from Nitrogen, go to the Record Details screen for the record you wish to unlink and click Edit. Then click on un-link beside the Nitrogen icon.