If you use LPL Branchnet, here are the quick steps for exporting an Excel-type file (csv) that you can then import to your Nitrogen account. Note: Ensure all exported files contain the securities' ticker symbol or alpha-numeric identifier (if applicable), and each security's market value.
- From BranchNet, go to the Clients tab, select Browse, and then Account Browse.
- In the Account Name search criteria, put in the client's last name.
- In the results that appear, click the client's account number (listed under the "LPLAccount" column) that you wish to export. Note: if you want to import multiple accounts, please see Householding Client Assets from LPL BranchNet.
- Click the Assets tab and then click on Export. If a message pops up that says “Do you want to open or save this file”, click Save. Give the file a name that you can remember as being account related.
You can then import the file into Nitrogen using the steps found here: How to Import a Portfolio From Your Custodian.