Nitrogen and CircleBlack can now be integrated, allowing you to utilize a single sign-on to seamlessly view and analyze Risk Numbers for clients, accounts, and portfolios, and sync your portfolio holdings data directly into Nitrogen. You can even go directly to Nitrogen without leaving CircleBlack's system.
Setting Up the Integration
To set up the integration you will need to connect your Nitrogen and CircleBlack accounts as detailed. You only need to do this once and they will remain connected.
1. Log in to CircleBlack and select Analyze > Risk in the top menu. Then click Login.
2. A new window will open. Enter your Nitrogen credentials to log in.
3. Click I authorize this request in the following window, and the integration will be established! You will be taken back to CircleBlack.
Linking Households from CircleBlack to Nitrogen
To link a Household (group of clients or individual client) in CircleBlack to Nitrogen, navigate to the desired Household's Overview and click Analyze Risk in the Risk Number section of the page. The system will then search through available clients in Nitrogen and link ones that match and pull in the appropriate holdings from CircleBlack. If there are any discrepancies you will be prompted to select the correct client. If no matches are found, a new client will be created in Nitrogen and automatically linked with the client in CircleBlack.
Integration Features
Once a Household is linked with Nitrogen you can see the Target Risk and Risk Numbers for the entire portfolio, individual accounts, and groupings of accounts on their respective Overview pages as well as in lists of Households and Accounts. You will also be able to analyze the Risk Number of new Re-balancing Proposals to compare against past proposals and print in Reports.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Once the integration has been established you can access Nitrogen through CircleBlack using Single Sign-On by going to Analyze > Risk in the sidebar. You will have full access to Nitrogen while still keeping the CircleBlack navigation available.
Need Help?
If you have any questions on anything about the integration, you can contact CircleBlack’s Client Services team at or 1-800-315-1241.