When your firm signs a firmwide Nitrogen contract, you’ll have the ability to sync your entire book of business into the Nitrogen Growth Platform and provide access for everyone in your firm to start leveraging tools to drive further growth.
This article will guide you through the necessary steps to set up your firm for success.
In this article:
- Setting Up Your Firmwide Data
- User Provisioning
- Setting Up Your Investment Objective Ranges, Households, and Rep Codes
- Creating Each Advisor’s Clients
- Uploading Investment Objectives and Firm Branding
- Training Your team
1. Setting Up Your Firmwide Data
When your firm signs a firmwide Nitrogen contract, you’ll have the ability to sync your entire book of business into the Nitrogen Growth Platform making it easy to onboard your advisors, import client accounts, set risk targets, and so much more. To start this process, you’ll need to submit a Release of Information (ROI) to your custodian or portfolio management data provider.
To learn more about the ROI process for each data provider, please visit our Release of Information knowledge base article.
2. User Provisioning
Once your ROI is out to your data provider, and in parallel to them completing the release of your data to Nitrogen, you’ll need to provision all of your advisors and users in User Management. User Management gives firm administrators access to all of their users and related information in a single dashboard giving them the power to search, sort, filter, and provision users.
You can learn more about User Management here.
3. Setting Up Your Investment Objective Ranges, Households, and Rep Codes
Nitrogen Ignite and Nitrogen Ultimate give home offices and compliance officers the ability to configure their Investment Objective Ranges. You can start with our five default ranges or you can add and remove ranges based upon the needs of your firm.
Uploading the household import file will allow you to view all of your firm’s accounts as grouped lists of households that can easily be searched, sorted, and filtered. You can learn more about the household file import process here.
Note: This step is only necessary if your firm wants to capture risk at both the account level and household level. If you are only going to view at the account level, you can skip the household import file process.
Next, you’ll need to link each advisor to their rep codes in your firmwide data. This will assign the correct advisor name to their accounts and households in the Holdings and Insights Dashboards, and it will allow advisors to integrate accounts directly from the firmwide feed.
You can learn more about this process with our Firmwide Rep Code Integration article.
4. Creating Each Advisor’s Clients
If your firm has completed the step above, you may be eligible to auto-integrate all of your advisors’ client accounts. Once you have provisioned your users and linked their rep codes, the Nitrogen team will go to work ensuring that all advisors, users, and mappings have been successfully completed. Our team will then start the client creation process ensuring that all of your advisors’ clients will be synced in Nitrogen with all of the proper accounts and holdings. If you have additional questions on auto client creation, please reach out to your Relationship Manager to determine if your firm has this capability.
Your advisors can add clients and accounts manually to their instance of Nitrogen.
5. Uploading Investment Objectives and Firm Branding
Uploading investment objectives data for all your accounts is a crucial step to ensuring your team has the data needed to search, sort, and filter through accounts. You will need to download the Investment Objective File Template, fill out the relevant information, and upload it to Nitrogen.
Next, you’ll need to configure your firm’s branding controls. In the Executive View settings, you can ensure that all of your advisors are generating reports that match your branding by including your brand colors, firm logo, and contact information. You can learn more about how to maximize your firm’s branding with Nitrogen here.
6. Training Your Team
And that’s all there is to it! Once you’ve completed these steps, your firm will have everything needed to turn leads into meetings, meetings into clients, and clients into referral champions.
If you need additional resources to train your team, we’d recommend starting here:
- Working with Client Portfolios
- Accessing the All-New Portfolio Experience
- Leveraging the Advisor Marketing Kit
- Getting Started with Check-ins
If you need additional support, please reach out to our Customer Care team at care@nitrogenwealth.com.