Security Builder enables firm executives on Nitrogen Ultimate to create custom securities that can be proposed by all the advisors in your firm. Even though Nitrogen has industry-leading security coverage with a 97% recognition rate, there are a lot of reasons a firm may want to manage custom securities on their own. Maybe your models are tactical in nature, and you want the analytics on them rolled up into an SMA. Now your advisors can propose them just how you configure them.
In this article:
Adding a Custom Security
To start creating custom securities, you need to navigate to Firm > Securities. This is the dashboard where you can view, edit, and create custom securities for you firm.
We’ll start by selecting Add Custom Security. You will now have a new pop-out menu on the right side of the screen. From here, you can add a 4 letter ticker, add a security name, and upload your monthly performance data via CSV.
Every security will have a firm-level prefix to identify the security as unique to the advisors in your firm. Every prefix starts with the “#” symbol, followed by a four-letter prefix pulled from the first four letters of your firm’s name (or randomly if those four letters are already taken by another firm).
You can enter up to five letters for each custom security ticker. The searchable ticker will include both the firm prefix and security ticker (e.g. “#FIRMTICK”), and search results will also show the security name you enter. Firmwide custom securities are not available in global search at this time.
To upload your monthly historical historical performance, start by downloading the CSV template. This template two columns:
- The last market day of each month prepopulating back to 2004
- Return percentage
Simply add the return percentage for each month and delete all of the rows before your security’s inception. You can then upload this CSV file into Securities Builder.
Your new security should be available within a couple seconds of clicking “Save” for both you to view in the Securities table and your advisors to add to proposals and portfolios to present to clients.
Editing a Custom Security
If you need to edit a custom security, you can click into the security and edit the ticker, security name, or upload a new CSV file to update the performance history. Changes to the name or ticker will be available for all advisors in your firm immediately, while changes to performance data may take 24 hours to update.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my custom securities be immediately available to the advisors/reps in my firm?
While securities will be available immediately after creating and updating, analytics may take up to 24 hours to refresh.
How do I keep my custom securities up to date?
You will need to update the monthly performance data every month with a new CSV upload.
Can I create a different type of security other than an SMA?
As of today we only support SMA security types but we’ll be additional additional types in the future. All securities created here will show as “Other” in portfolio allocations.