LPL advisors can use all aspects of Nitrogen in full compliance, including the use of reports with clients. Each LPL advisor is responsible for communicating their LPL disclaimer to Nitrogen (this is typically the same disclaimer as an email signature) for inclusion in the tool.
If you need to update your LPL disclaimer in Nitrogen, you will find instructions on doing so here: Managing Disclaimers.
Here is a guide to documenting your use of Nitrogen on the LPL ComplianceMax system:
Most of Section 1 is self-explanatory (name, contact info) which is likely pre-filled. Other notable sections:
Section 1.7 Submission Type: Select "Pre-Approved"
Section 2.1 Name: Type in "Riskalyze"
Section 2.2 LPL Pre-approved Tracking Number: Enter "1-428083"
Section 2.3 Distribution Method: Blog/Website/Social Media
Section 2.5 Source of Material: “other”
Section 2.6 enter “Riskalyze”
Section 2.7 date of first use: Simply enter a date in the future
Section 2.8 Attachments, click “New Record”
Section 2.8 Select "Browse" button. From within Nitrogen save any printout and upload here (make sure your disclosures are correct first)
Since Nitrogen is pre-approved, you do not need to wait for additional approval.