The Reprocess feature within Trading allows advisors to update a previously processed trade file with the latest market prices. This is especially useful for advisors who download trade files but are not able to upload them to the custodian before the market close.
Follow the steps below to reprocess previously approved trades:
- Click on the History Tab
- Click on the batch you’d like to reprocess.
- For Trade Batches: Click the “Send to Inbox” icon on the right to reprocess to send all of the accounts within the batch back to the inbox.
- For Individual Accounts: Choose the account(s) within the trade file you’d like to have reprocessed, click Account Summary, and select the “Send to Inbox” icon to the right of the individual account(s) you’d like to reprocess.
- After the “Send to Inbox” icon has been clicked Trading will refresh the trades for each account to use the latest market prices. Once the trades have been reprocessed, this icon will appear “greyed out” and the hover text will display “Sent to Inbox”.
- To approve these new trades, navigate to the Inbox Tab within the Trading Dashboard to approve (by clicking the trade checkmark icon(s)) the trades you’re ready to process.
All of the accounts in this batch will display in the trading dashboard under the trade reason Reprocess.
Note: Trade batches will remain in the Recently Traded section for ten days after they are created.