Nitrogen Trading is an automated account platform that gives you the ability to implement portfolio decisions and monitor changes over time, through the lens of the Risk Number, right from within Nitrogen. This KB will guide you through successfully activating Nitrogen Trading for your book of business.
Trading Eligible Custodians:
Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Pershing, LPL, and SSG
In This Article
Getting Started
First make sure your Nitrogen account is integrated with your custodian(s).
Navigate to: Menu > Settings > Integrations.
Search for your custodian(s) and follow the activation instructions.
Once your custodian integrations are active, you can import client accounts to use with Nitrogen Trading. Learn how by following the directions for your custodian in our article Custodial Integrations.
Note: Only accounts imported from a custodian integration are eligible for Trading.
Trading Activation
You've connected your custodian and imported a client account. Hooray! You’re now ready to use Nitrogen Trading.
To Enable Trading:
1. Navigate to the Accounts Dashboard by selecting Accounts in the header.
2. Select the account you are looking to activate for trading.
3. Click the “Activate Trading” button
4. If your client's account has any position that should not be traded, click the lock icon (🔓) to tell Nitrogen not to generate trades for that position.
Note: Securities that cannot be traded on Nitrogen, such as Bonds, REITS, or structured notes will be locked automatically.
5. Navigate to the “Add investment or model” search bar and choose a model to trade the account into. You can also use the client’s current holdings as a starting point, and make modifications if you don’t use models.
6. If you’d like to blend models or add satellite holdings outside of the model, click “add investment or model,” and add additional models or securities. Note that whenever you add or remove a percentage from a holding, that percentage is either removed from or added to Cash. For example, if Model 1 = 75%, Model 2 = 12%, and cash is 13%, when I adjust Model 1 down to 70% cash will increase to 18%.
7. Review the percentage assigned to each allocation or model, and adjust as desired. Set the Cash percentage by increasing or decreasing the other allocations. The minimum cash required is 1%.
8. Click Activate Trading.
Note: Nitrogen may take up to 10 seconds to generate trades in large accounts. You may perform other tasks in Nitrogen and navigate to the Trading Dashboard later.
Use Current Holdings
In many cases, the account you're working with may already be invested closely to how you'd like. Select "Use Current Holdings" to create a target with the existing allocations in the account. Then edit each allocation individually, adding or removing stocks, ETFs, or mutual funds as desired. This option gives you the freedom to:
- Add one or multiple models to the account
- Add or remove individual allocations
- Lock any allocations that currently exist in the account
- Specify a cash target
Using Current Holdings gives you maximum flexibility to personalize each clients account and deviate from models based trading when necessary.
The Trading Dashboard
The Trading Dashboard is where Nitrogen surfaces accounts that need attention. Accounts appear on the Trading Dashboard when you enable Trading for the first time, they need rebalancing due to Risk Number or Allocation Drift, a model update has occurred, or cash needs to be put to work.
"Inbox" shows accounts that have trades ready for review. Accounts are grouped by trade reason, eg: Trading Activated, Risk Number Drift, Model Updated.
Process the proposed trades by following these steps:
- Click on an account to see the proposed trades
- To place these trades later, click the clock icon to snooze the account.
Use the date picker window to specify how long you’d like for the account to be snoozed. - If you’re ready to place the trades now, click the checkmark icon to approve the proposed trades.
After you’ve approved all the accounts you’re ready to trade, click "Process Approved Trades" to download a trade file.
"Snoozed" shows all of the accounts you decided to trade at a later time.
Each account shows how long it has been snoozed for, and gives you the option to "unsnooze" it. Simply click "unsnooze" to have Nitrogen immediately re-evaluate the account for any needed rebalancing
"History" gives you access to all previously created trade files.
Click on the desired date, locate the custodian you’d like the trade file for, and click the Download button.