Portfolio Tools
Setting up portfolios, leveraging tools for analysis, how risks are calculated
- Searching for Securities with Discovery
- Favoriting Securities in Discovery
- Individual Security Analysis
- Working with Stats
- Working in Sandbox
- Generating Reports using Reports Builder (beta)
- Report Attachments: Form CRS & Additional Firm Attachments
- About GPA
- Working with Client Portfolios
- Portfolio Stress Tests
- Accessing the All-New Portfolios Experience
- Adding Accounts, Holdings, and Models in the All-New Portfolios Experience
- Using Annuities and Insurance products in the All-New Portfolios Experience
- Creating and Managing Proposals
- Creating Proposals (Legacy Workflow)
- How to Use Scenarios
- Using Heatmaps in the All-New Portfolios Experience
- Using the Risk/Reward Heatmap (LEGACY)
- Using the Risk/Reward Heatmap: Deeper Dive (LEGACY)
- Timeline: Getting Started
- Timeline: Diving Deeper
- Portfolio Analysis in Nitrogen
- Using Annuities and Insurance
- Equity Indexed and Fixed Indexed Annuities in Nitrogen
- Working with Blended Models
- Best Practices on Multiple Accounts
- Optimizing a Portfolio
- Best Practices for Using the Optimizer + Model Portfolios
- Asset Sync: How to Use with Nitrogen
- Asset Sync: Client FAQs